Friday, November 7, 2008

We Don't Need No Thought Control....

Wassup, Peeps....

It hasn't quite been a day, but here i am again. Studying sucks, and my head hurts. Wesley Snipes is on TV, so I'm guessing the movie sucks. I'm 5 minutes into it, and my suspicions are pretty much being confirmed the more i watch.

Am i the only one in Singapore who realises that almost all of what we see on TV was designed to cater to people with intellectually deficiencies? I honestly hope I'm not alone. I spend most of my time in front of the TV watching the Discovery Channel in the hope of actually learning something, but even that, after a while, gets repetitive.

What is it with cable TV and reruns? We Singaporeans spend big bucks on cable in order to get some decent entertainment at home. After a week, we realise we're really only paying for repeats of repeats of repeats. I'm getting so sick of seeing Friends every time i tune into star world. Aren't there better things to show, other than repeats of a glamourised soap opera?

You can't really blame society for Internet piracy when you think about all the crap broadcasting we're forced to put up with. Why should anyone pay to see Chandler fall in love with Monica for the 700th time, when we could watch on the internet a shitload of brilliant movies we've never heard of for free? Don't get me wrong; I'm not condoning Internet piracy. I'm just saying, i can understand how it might seem like a more attractive alternative.

So why do i still pay for something i don't really want? Well. I would gladly cancel my cable subscription if it didn't mean losing access to the live football action on which i am so dependant. Most people i know (most of the guys, at least) only subscribe to cable for sports, but since sports channels only come in a package with the other crap channels, we have no choice but to pay for them all.

Seems like extortion to me!! Words like "injustice" and "exploitation" spring to mind!! How bout the option of paying less only for sports? That souunds like a pretty fair deal. But wait...what about the poor multi million dollar cable companies? They'd suffer the excruciating pain of making less money with such a scheme in place. No, our exploitation must continue for the greater good!!

The situation seems dire. There isnt much we can do to change anything. I doubt my pathetic little blog's gonna make any difference. Cable prices are only gonna escalate, and in the end, we'll all just have to watch our football at overcrowded coffeeshops, with the gambling ah peks and their bottles of stout. The thought is depressing, to say the least.

Anyway......i doubt I've garnered much of an audience since my first sorry entry, but if there are any like minded pseudo-intellectual TV-hating DVD-devouring movie zealots out there reading this who feel the need to shout out and be heard, feel free to comment.

On that note, I'll leave you with some pretty hardcore advice from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, that might just change your life for the better: "Throw away your television now...Its a repeat!"

This is Dreamer, signing out.

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