Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mental Health Check

Hello, World!

Today, I have concluded that i am not depressed...a short while ago, i found myself mesmerised by the excruciating laments of a chatroom full of properly depressed people...

They were nuthing like me at all!

The depressed sulk over their own inadequacies, and self-medicate in a bid to become 'normal'...i sulk over everyone else's inadequacies, and self-intoxicate as a celebration of my 'abnormality'...

This makes me happy to a certain extent...more honestly, it makes me feel less miserable than i was about an hour ago...

Happiness is probably beyond my reach for now, but i will accept today's discovery as a minor victory in my quest for self actualisation

It's nice not being the bottom of the barrel =)

This is Dreamer, signing off.