Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Ode to my Brilliance......

i have decided to write aimlessly for my second post of the day...often the best things i have to say come to me when i choose not to use my brain...

i must not whine though...i've been a little too self indulgent recently...i must remember that my problems mean squat in the grander scheme of the universe...

i must celebrate life...as difficult as it seems, i must...if i do not do so in this pathetic blog, i will never do it anywhere...

i must make someone laugh...the words here are not meant to depress...they are meant to elucidate and revive...humour does that sometimes...

i have become a wannabe poet of late...i doodle at work when bored, and i write random verses...some of them are pretty good..poetry is so very self-indulgent...more self indulgent than writing a blog...

i can be such a cocky bastard sometimes...who can blame me..? i'm brilliant compared to the rest of you schmucks...

is dignity worth upholding..? when some1 treats you like dirt, do you turn the other cheek, or do u turn and show them your rear end instead..?

singaporeans are generally stupid and boring...i blame it on the government...its been telling everyone that prowess at maths makes you smart...it makes u a certain type of smart...it makes you the kinda smart thats actually stupid and boring...

have i crossed some sorta line by blaming the government..? or by calling singaporeans generally stupid, for that matter..? if there are any spooks out there reading this, you guys know im kidding dontcha..? dontcha..???

Is dissent disloyal..? does it make me unpatriotic if i have an opinion of my own..? if i thought you had at least half a brain in you, i would not have even bothered asking that question....

John Lennon was an awesome crazy brit...i luv it that he luvd yoko passionately all the way til his dying day..i luv it that he dared to dream...i luv it that he dared to disagree...we need more john lennons...

this is turning out to be the best bit of writing ive done in a while..i'm gonna screw it up a bit now by typing out one of my doodled work poems....

Art is Life
God is in the Details
Art is Strife
God is in the Derailed

Brilliant, innit..? where's my Pullitzer..?

here's one i wrote about sticking to your principles...

A pride, a fall
A grave, a crawl
A thought, regret
A-gain? you bet.

Dammit, i amaze even myself sometimes...

its healthy to believe in yourselves, you know...humility should not overshadow ur sense of self-worth...pride has been villified unjustly...

did i just spell villified correctly..? i'm not sure if my spellcheck is working...im an atrocious speller, you know...id get my ass whooped in a spelling bee by a bunch of 12 yr olds...

i tried writing a book once...i stopped at the beginning of chapter three...i had no idea where the story was going...i think there's a market for localised children's books though...it cant be that hard selling English to a bunch of barely literate brats...

I know this isnt gonna win me points with the ladies, but i cant stand kids...sometimes i force myself to try and see their beauty and shit...i dont see it...i only hear their whining..

women whine alot too...women think theyre royalty...every gal thinks she's a princess, and that she ought to be treated like one..most men pander to their whims coz they just wanna get laid...after a while, putting up with all that whining is no longer worth the sex...

I have little patience for women these days..none of you seem to have anythin interesting to say..i dont get the whole painting of fingernails and toenails either...nobody gives a shit..painting your fingernails and toenails is more self indulgent than poetry...

there are a few women i do find interesting, though...sadly, these interesting women do not hold me in the same regard...

there are some women i find teetering on the fine edge of tolerability...these are the women i would consider for a shag..you should be honoured that i would think of you that way...

I dont like flings though..they leave me feeling cheap, dirty and slutty...

i like the sound of that last line..believe it or not, its true...

I think i'll end this entry right here...its been a blast!

This is Dreamer, signing out.

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