it says a little something abt an individual when he no longer knows how to appreciate his free time (i cant help but wonder if using the generalised "he" to refer to the hypothetical individual, as opposed to the more comprehensive "he or she", is politically incorrect...i can't help but wonder if i should even care....hmmm...) just what exactly it says though, im not very sure of, because as i craft this sentence out in the space that used to be occupied by the last two sentences that i'd typed out only minutes ago, and which i subsequently proceeded to delete only seconds ago (thereby effectively denying you the possibility of ever having been aware of these two sentences' rather short lived and somewhat inconsequential existences, were it not for the inclusion of this terribly longwinded and overcomplicated sentence with many additional superfluous clauses and unnecessary words thrown in just for the sake of good old fashioned fun), i begin to realise that what i originally thought to be the case might have been a tad bit oversimplistic...hmmmmm.....
free time is all fine and dandy when there's just the right amount of it...its a precarious thing, free time....too little leaves us suicidal as we crave for quiet and solitude...too much on the other hand leaves leaves us suicidal, as we crave for company and activity to alleviate the boredom...juz the right amount leaves you feeling whole and contented, but the fact that so many of us arent whole and contented just goes to show how difficult gettin the balance right is....
claire danes has nice legs....

i am apathetically aware that there are likely a significant number of loopholes, contradictions and flaws in this entry thus far...i shall proceed unfettered...
i think i belong to the camp that has too much free time and too little to fill it with...i blame it on my self-imposed cashflow lack of a social life has nuthing to do with me being uninteresting or unlikeable as a has everything to do with my bank account...
persevere, young man!! monday will be upon u soon, and this awful weekend will be a thing of the past!!
This is Dreamer signing off.....sigh...
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