of course, i exagerrate when i say that...but u get the picture...i get irritated...i think life would be a hell of alot better if ppl were just generally bummed out...ppl would meet and say things like "how's life..?", and the other person would go, "same shit, different day", or somethin along those lines...nobody'd be out tryin to prove any point...shared misery would take the competetive edge out of livin...
positivity is to me a fragile, delicate thing....it is not the default human state...it is an artificially constructed shell that we build ard the dreariness of everyday life...we try and convince ourselves that we're above the problems we're surrounded by, and that we're in control of our lives...the truth is, that sorta control is an illusion...it is not somethin we can actually have...

ppl who sound like self help books seem to me like glass bubbles...they float around all glistening and shiny on the outside, but once theyre hit by a shit storm, they sink, and on contact with the slightest of sharp edges, shatter into a ga-zillion shards of irrepairable nothingness...
i know im being unfairly harsh here...im sure some pretty bubbles have emerged from numerous shit storms unscathed...these lucky few have no doubt gone on to write self help books on the powers of positivity, in order that mere mortals such as us might benefit from their perkiness...
i cant help feelin that these success stories are the exceptions to the norm...for every self help guru out there, there are a million hapless souls tryin and failing to overcome life thru the wonders of silver linings and half full glasses...i cant help but feel that theyd be a whole lot better admitting that life's a cold hard bitch, and that if we all stopped lookin up so much and looked straight at each other instead, we'd find comfort in the fact that we're all facing this shitty life together...
"positivity" tells the world that its wrong to feel down, disillusioned, or depressed about the state of our world...it tells us that we have the power to feel happiness inspite of the sorry state of things, when deep down inside we know we really shouldnt be all that pleased..."positivity"is an illusion and a delusion...it is the denial of reality...
hmmm...im probably comin across as all doom-and-gloomy...abandon hope all ye who enter here!! and all that jazz... well..in reality, im probably alot more positive than any of you out there, coz i havent given up on this world just yet...the positivity i feel is honest though...it is as far fetched as any science fiction movie out there, but i am fully aware that it is...
life still sucks ass, we're all just corporate slaves, and countries use god as an excuse for people to murder each over oil and money, but maybe if we'd all juz bitch about it a little more instead of tryin to convince ourselves and each other about how good we're feelin, things would get a little better...? who knows....
And that, by the way, is why i call myself the dreamer...
This is Me signing out.
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