Tonight, the cynic in me re-emerges, brought back from the brink of its demise, to grace the world with its not-so-appealing words of wisdom. The Christian rock band Jars of Clay once sang, "Blessed are the shallow, depth they'll never find...." I have been reminded, in a somewhat depressing manner, of my conviction that intelligence and happiness do not mix well.
While i do not regard myself as extraordinarily intelligent, i would like to think of myself as something other than definition of the term "intelligence" is derived from a comparison against the general dumb-ness that prevails in this home our planet, and the people for whom the devotion of intellect towards the lives we lead is too heavy an investment.

Earlier this evening, i was engaged in a conversation with a certain someone, who i have only recently come to discover is extremely unhappy...needless to say, this someone is a pretty intelligent someone, and after years of general observation, it is apparent to me that the link between unhappiness and intellect is far from a coincidence...
Stupidity breeds happiness, and intelligence breeds sorrow...nobody with a brain deserving of the space it takes up can go through life without realising the injustice, the insanity, the god-awful perversion that plagues our little blue sphere...The idiots of our world watch everything spin by in blissful ignorance, but the ones who can't help but ponder are not so fortunate...we see reality in all its grim, ugly detail.
Therein lies the dilemma - do the few with intelligence play dumb and be happily blind, or do we deny ourselves this privilege and hold on to the very torch that illuminates our world and makes clear all its splendid horror? after some thought, i have decided that happiness is not as important as illumination.
Its a sucky predicament to be in, but somebody's gotta be doing the thinking down here. Someone once chastised me for thinking too much about whats wrong with the world, but i chastised that scum-bucket right back. There isnt such a thing as thinking too much. Not thinking enough, on the other hand, is a sin inexcusable.
Not thinking enough is why we have ignorance, and ignorance is why the world is in the shit its in today. The only reason why violence, corruption, greed and hatred are allowed to perpetuate is because not enough people have stopped to think about these things. Put on your thinking caps, you selfish bastards!! start giving a f@#k for once in your lives!!

If enough smart people started thinking these things through, and told all the stupid people the shit they knew, change would be inevitable. This is the burden of intelligence - we carry the cross of misery in the hope that someday, enough stupid people stop and notice, and learn what it is we are so unhappy about.
As a note to my unhappy friend, i don't really know if any of this is relevant to you, but please, if there is one message you take from all this banter, let it be this - don't try and be normal, just so you can be happy...normal people are stupid!! be yourself, and let your misery blaze like a trophy!!
I leave you with the wise words of fat boy slim, telling us how not to be:
"You know what is what, but you don't know what is just strut....what the f@#k...."
This is Dreamer, signing out....
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