A difficult task when you consider the nothingness that fills my time, upon which i base my typewritten musings....I ponder and ponder, and still my fingers pound away at the keys aimlessly, unaware of what the next sentence is to bring...I am as curious to find out where this entry leads me as you are (assuming of course that you are curious at all..)

It is perhaps best that i snap myself out of this stupor...i have spent nearly a week now recuperating from the trying ordeals that were very much an integral part of the job i left behind, and by now i should be well rested...
Trouble is, i have become a little too well rested for my own good...you know that feeling you get when you spend a whole day in bed lazing around a filling your time with meaningless nothings...? well, multiply that by 7 and you'd know how i feel...i gotta get out more, find myself things to do....
So far i have filled my time with movies, books, and my guitar (which sadfully has been oh so neglected over the last couple a months). Yesterday i played football for the first time in two months, and it felt great running around and sweating it out. Tomorrow, thankfully, i get to work my brain at school...that should be a good way to finally get myself off my lazy figurative ass!
I've gotta start puttin in more effort into my spare time..i gotta work on my social life, and get in touch with old friends...i gotta get myself a date...i'm sure i've kept the women waiting long enough!!
i feel like someones hit the reset button for my life, and starting all over again isnt easy...its gotta be done, though, and what better time than right now? gosh, have i told you how i hate the way the optimist in me sounds..? sigh...
All in all, i think today's post sucked ass big time...too tired to start over again though...you'll just have to live with this shit for now....i promise I'll find somethin more interestin to talk about the next time i blog...damn, i hate that word...blog...it reeks of self-indulgence!
To my faithful audience of zero, i leave you with my lethargic blessings and the useful advise of Kid Rock: "You can look for answers, but that ain't fun...so get in the pit, and try to love someone..."
This is Dreamer, signing out.....
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