i mean, for cryin out loud, she could retire right now and still have enough to live two entire lifetimes of reasonable luxury...Nonetheless, she persists in flaunting her assets (liabilites to some)...
i get it that some women are confident with their sexuality, and i get it that society is unfair in the way that it degrades sexually liberated women as sluts while like-minded men are knighted as players, but geez...are these women really comfortable with the fact that teenagers around the world treat their music videos like porn??? Dont they know what these kids do with their pictures in the privacy of their boudouirs..???
On the flip side, it wouldnt be all that bad if i were a rock star and the chicks thought of me as a sex-symbol (if all goes well, a likely reality in the not-so-distant future)...i wouldnt wanna be degraded to nuthin more than an object of female lust though...there's more to me than my sexy body and boyish good looks, and i'd want the world to know that!!
i guess part of the blame here lies with the male audience that perpetuates the demand for hot female bods in music...its not our fault, really...we're wired that way, us guys...we're stimulated visually and we cant help it...i just think women shouldnt blame us for thinkin of women as sex objects so much when all around us, thats exactly how women allow themselves to be portrayed...
i'd appreciate some female input on this though...would you chicks out there mind if you knew that pimply-faced, acne-ridden, hormone fueled teens around the world (and admittedly, many grown men as well) were havin lewd sexual fantasies about you on a regular basis..?
would it be a source of pride, or a shameful weight around your neck...? or would it not make any difference at all..? dont forget to consider the enormous wealth and fame that your new-found status as a poorly-disguised porn star comes with!!
let's just say that i wouldnt watch a pussycat doll video for the music...nicole makes my liver quiver, and i dont really care how well she sings (note that she and i are on a first name basis)...would it bother you if you were in her shoes..??
would the fact that you prance around in those outfits (or lack of outfits) for the viewing pleasure of pervs all over the world (all men are pervs to varying degrees) make you think any less of yourselves...?
thinkin back on all that stuff ive just written, i guess i am a bit of a prude...i get the feeling that you women like being sexy, and enjoy the effect that ur hotness has on men (or am i tragically misinformed..???)
it seems about time we lifted the stigma attached to women being openly sexual...women have as much a right to the art of seduction as men do, so i might as well be grateful and enjoy the view!
i still cant help but feel that its a shame that sex sells as much as it does, and that women sell it as much as they do...i'm sure there are plenty of fugly women out there who, while immensely talented, will never make it in the music industry...

plenty of ugly men too, for that matter...women buy into sex as much as we guys do...think about it...who was the last really ugly male artist uve seen on MTV...? even Timbaland has a teddy-bear adorability thats sorta marketable..
no worries for me though...im gorgeous...
as i'm writing this, i'm tuned into MTV, and guess what...another hot chick!! no idea who she is, but im definitely gonna find out!! the song's mediocre at best though, now that i've forced myself to stop focussing on her cleavage...
Question is, should it bother me at all that the only reason im even interested is because of the fact that she's lickin her lips with her top unbuttoned....?
i dont know...you tell me...
This is Dreamer, signing out.
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