i've decided to use this hour to write aimlessly about my aimless life...recently, its been nuthin but books and studyin for me, and im kinda gettin in the groove of it...that doesnt mean i wouldnt rather be doin sumthin else though, and speakin of somethin else, what id really like to be doin is watchin the new x-men origins thing!

i'd posted an appeal on my facebook account for a movie date to step forth, but sadly, nobody has reciprocated..really tragic...im probably gonna have to watch wolverine do his shit in the solace of my own company...aint got the time to go around askin the ladies out...lotsa studyin to be done..just gotta get my hollywood blockbuster fix, and its back to the books for me! some female companionship woulda been nice though...
on a different note, Ive recently joined a friends men's rights facebook group...i am a strong advocate of gender equality, but what is it with the ladies these days? you gals wanna be treated like equals but you constantly submit yourselves to mindsets that perpetuate your subordination...take for instance the whole female parking lot thing...its like telling the world "we women need the charity of men"...You gals should be offended...you're letting the world treat you as somethin less than equal...
Ranting is so therapeutic...i dont know if ive represented my stand on gender equality fairly and accurately in that last paragraph, but right now, i donty really care!! its almost six in the morning and stayin up this late is doin my biological clock no favours...the clocks all screwed up by the way...or maybe its just set to japan time...i do not ever fall asleep before 3 these days, and im lucky if i make it to dreamland before 5...
last night, i was up til around 6, but i was glad i was up, coz of the shit they were showin on the history channel about the universe...i've developed a strange fascination with these documentaries that talk about relativity, the warping of space and time, black holes and the expanding universe..i dont know if i'll ever really understand any of it, but its a whole lotta fun just TRYING to make sense of it!
Did you know that some of the greatest minds in existence today are convinced that humanity is on the verge of unlocking the secrets of travelling through the fourth dimension (time, in case you weren't sure)? did you know that satellites orbitting our planet in space are already travelling through time at a different rate from the rest of us down here, and have to be programmed in order that the resulting time difference is offset on a regular basis..? Thats some serious shit right there!
Einstein was a genius....i sorta get his explanation of gravity to a certain extent, but damn! the rest of its pretty darn confusing! the amazing thing was that most of the stuff he came up with was stuff he just thought off...they werent observations in a lab...they were thoughts floating around in his head...totally awesome..
i saw this other documentary on youtube...they gave a buncha rats marijuana and cocaine, just to show that chemicals can affect the body's perception of time...i mean, what the fuck! im pretty sure chemicals like those affect the body's perception of everything!! anyway, what really impressed me about the experiment was the control rat, the one injected with plain old saline (no psychedelic mind-trip for YOU, homeboy!)...

the rat was actually trained to press a lever at 12 second intervals to earn a food pellet...and he pulled it off...official time: 12.071 seconds...pretty damn accurate! how the fuck do you train a rat to count to 12...???? hahaha...stupid question...dont bother answering!
woah...check it out...its like 6:04 am...half an hour gone..i must say, this is the most fun ive had writing in this blog for a while...still got some time left...not gonna stop just yet...
so lets see...what else is big on my agenda these days..? ah yes...the band....pretty cool havin a bunch of like-minded band members committed to the common goal of rocking the world with our own hard-rockin brand of pure rock! well...that might be overstating it a little lah...first of all...rocking the world..? more realistic goal: rockin a sleazy pub where everybody's drunk, including us...secondly...own brand of hard rockin rock? we dcont rock that hard lah...we're more of an intellectual, classy sorta band lah...pretty mellow and chill...
nonetheless.......first 2 sessions have shown that with a bit of practice, we'd definitely sound pretty damn good, if you ask me...its juz a matter of waiting for the exams to finish and puttin in some old fashioned elbow grease into gettin a proper repertoire of songs...good thing is, ive improvised and accomodised, and turned my house into a good and proper jam studio, so no worries about havin to pay to play...we jam for free, and we rock however long we wanna...nice!
6:14 now...maybe another paragraph or two before i go...well, lets see...here's something random...i need to get laid! not sure how much about this i should disclose though...all i can say is that my last little adventure was kinda...spontaneous and one off..? hmm...too much said alredi...
maybe what i really need is the chance to become a lab rat and have mind-altering drugs infused into my bloodstream in the name of good old science..doesnt sound all that bad to me...i gotta go know...the mother beckons...it was fun...maybe i'll do this whole aimless writing thing again sometime soon...
This is Dreamer, signing out.